asato-ma sat gamaya
tamaso-ma jyotir gamaya
mrityum-ma amrutam gamaya
aum shanti shanti shanti
I am setting up my own personal blog.
My intention here is to have a dedicated space to share my thoughts and ideas. Writing on a blog is a better experience than posting on platforms like X or Linkedin. You could just let your ideas flow without worrying about engagement metrics. Plus, content on Social Media tends to keeps getting buried over time making it hard to revisit old posts and reflect on your past writings.
Medium and Substack are great alternatives to setting up your own blog, but the engineer in me enjoys tinkering and building things from scratch. So here it is—a blog, set up on WordPress.
As I was setting up the blog, I found myself thinking about what the first words should be.
I couldn’t think of a better way to begin than with this prayer from the Upanishads. Though ancient, these words carry profound depth and meaning. Despite being part of the culture I grew up in, I actually discovered this prayer in the most unlikely of places—the closing credits of The Matrix movie series.
These words will echo through eternity, for they reflect the universal human cry—whether in moments of profound distress or when our deepest desires are fulfilled. This is a call for help, with a touch of courage, yet rooted in complete selfishness.
From this world of lies, lead me to truth.
From the darkness, lead me to light.
From these cycles of death, lead to me to an eternal life.
(Aum) May peace prevail.